Little did I know as I wrote my last blog post that I would have the week that I have had. I use to long to know what was to come and with a week like this, I am glad that I don't have the ability to know the future.
Last Saturday evening, my daughter and I were home alone. Somehow we inadvertently left our door unlocked. Shortly after 9pm, I sent my daughter to our front room to see why our little dog was barking like crazy. This is not an unusual event, because our little dog barks at his own shadow. Shortly after sending her to check on him, I hear him get worse and my daughter starts screaming in terror. I left my kitchen and ran to the hallway. I see a strange man standing inside our front door with the door shut behind him. He was in the same room as my daughter and our dog. Without hesitation, I ran toward him screaming for him to leave. I did all I knew to do and shoved and pushed on him until he was out of the door and the door was locked. He remained on our porch as we raced upstairs to call 911. He was found, arrested and taken to jail. It was the scariest moment of my life and I am grateful that God protected us.
The next evening, I was with my small group and we prayed for a lady that is a part of the group because she was having a colonoscopy the following morning. She is in her early 40's so we were not anticipating anything bad. The next morning I received a phone call from her that left me stunned and in tears. My life lifelong friend and my sister in Christ had cancer. We have since heard the news that it is Stage 2 Colorectal cancer. The doctor's are VERY optimistic.
That same day I saw a post of Facebook that said that my brother-in-law's mom's cancer had returned and is in her lungs. I do not remember her not being a part of my life. My sister and her husband have been married since I was 9 and our families have been friends my entire life.
Later that evening, I led the first session of the Fall Ladies Bible Study. I have never led this particular group and felt very weakened by the previous few days. I felt as if Satan had literally been beating me up. I left there, encouraged, renewed, and refreshed.
Life can be surprising, disappointing, and discouraging, but God is still in control. I have to remind myself of this pretty often during the day as I think about what could have happened to us when the intruder came in, as I think about somebody my age having cancer, and think about a lady I have known my entire life dealing with a return of cancer.
The next evening, I was with my small group and we prayed for a lady that is a part of the group because she was having a colonoscopy the following morning. She is in her early 40's so we were not anticipating anything bad. The next morning I received a phone call from her that left me stunned and in tears. My life lifelong friend and my sister in Christ had cancer. We have since heard the news that it is Stage 2 Colorectal cancer. The doctor's are VERY optimistic.
That same day I saw a post of Facebook that said that my brother-in-law's mom's cancer had returned and is in her lungs. I do not remember her not being a part of my life. My sister and her husband have been married since I was 9 and our families have been friends my entire life.
Later that evening, I led the first session of the Fall Ladies Bible Study. I have never led this particular group and felt very weakened by the previous few days. I felt as if Satan had literally been beating me up. I left there, encouraged, renewed, and refreshed.
Life can be surprising, disappointing, and discouraging, but God is still in control. I have to remind myself of this pretty often during the day as I think about what could have happened to us when the intruder came in, as I think about somebody my age having cancer, and think about a lady I have known my entire life dealing with a return of cancer.