"Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you which path to take."
~~Proverbs 3:5-6~~
I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Jesus is Lord of my life and I strive daily to draw closer to Him. I love being a homemaker---taking care of my family and home. I enjoy couponing, cleaning, and cooking. I love to get the best deal on everything and find that yard sales and thrift stores are the perfect places for that. I have recently felt lead to write a Bible study and have been working on it in my spare time. I truly enjoy leading women's groups as we all seek to grow closer to the Lord. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy reading about what happens as I strive do all of this.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fresh Start

I am not certain how many times I have journaled, blogged, or thought about this concept.  I seem to always be longing for a fresh start.  I am glad that I serve a God that gives those freely and without holding my failures against me.  

Tomorrow, some things HAVE TO change for me.  I have to get back to exercising every single day.  I have to get back to eating healthier.  I have no choice!  Well, I do have a choice.  I guess it would be better said that I am not giving myself a choice.  I am planning to bundle up and go walk first thing in the morning.  

Tomorrow, I plan to get back to waking up early.  The holidays and the lazy days we were in with snow on the ground have really spoiled me.  Tomorrow, the alarm will be set.  I will rise early and get a good start on my day and the week.

Tomorrow, I will have my quiet time as soon as I get home from my walk.  I will not let anything take priority over that time with my Lord.

So, I have all these plans, but what about today?  What am I going to do with today?  I have already had my quiet time where I spent the time catching up on my Bible study homework.  I did not go walk this morning.  Today, I will get ready and go to the church house.  What will I do with my time there?  Will I exercise my faith?  Will I eat the "meat" of the word or need milk?  Will I quiet myself before the Lord while I am there or will I think about everything that has me stressed?  I have today and I am not guaranteed tomorrow.  Each day is a fresh start.

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