"Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you which path to take."
~~Proverbs 3:5-6~~
I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a friend. Jesus is Lord of my life and I strive daily to draw closer to Him. I love being a homemaker---taking care of my family and home. I enjoy couponing, cleaning, and cooking. I love to get the best deal on everything and find that yard sales and thrift stores are the perfect places for that. I have recently felt lead to write a Bible study and have been working on it in my spare time. I truly enjoy leading women's groups as we all seek to grow closer to the Lord. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy reading about what happens as I strive do all of this.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Pure Heart....A Clean Road

I came home last night to the site of vulgar paintings on the road at the end of our driveway.  It immediately angered me because our road was just newly paved about a month ago.  I could not believe that somebody would do such a thing with bright white paint.  We ended up getting the police involved and hopefully with some evidence that they found, they will get to the bottom of it and the guilty person will be rightly punished.

As I thought about it this morning, I thought about sin in our lives.  I wonder how often I stand up from a time of confession and repentance with the Lord only to turn right back around and sin.  I have a freshly cleaned heart and I deface it with pride, selfishness, anger, rudeness, etc.  I am no different than the person that shook that can of spray paint and started defacing the road.  The road is visible to all who pass by. All can see that somebody did such a rude thing.  I am also visible to everyone.  They see my actions and know when I am doing things that are sinful.  What kind of witness am I?

As I look out most windows of my home, I can see the white paint glistening under the sun on that black road.  I am reminded each time that I look out and see it that others are looking at me and so is the Lord.  What do they see?

Create in me a pure heart,
O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Psalm 51:10

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